Friday Favorites

Some food-related (mostly) things we enjoyed this past week:

Do the Irish really eat corned beef

To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this year, we made homemade corned beef.  Quite a change from many, many years ago, when we marked the occasion by attending the annual local parade, then doing some serious day-drinking at the block party event that followed.  With age comes wisdom.  And less hangovers.

Tiny tomats

We took advantage of the recent warm weather (and hangover-free Sunday morning) by planting our tomatoes for the season.  We filled 3 big barrels with good garden soil and planted a couple varieties of grape/cherry sized tomato plants, along with a few basil plants.  Fingers crossed that we have as much success with them as we did last year.

Wine tasting

I attended a lovely wine tasting with old friends (thanks for the invite, Sue!) the other night at a cool little venue.  The wines (from Benovia Winery) were outstanding, I had one of the best bites of lamb ever, and catching up with people I love but don’t get to see nearly often enough made my heart happy.


Also heart-happy, Lowly the Worm is super excited to be all packed and coming with us on our trip to New York this weekend to visit with our adorable (and adored) nephew T and his parents.  Can’t wait to see you guys!



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