On Garlic

We cook with a lot of garlic here at FoodieLawyer.com.  Garlic is very healthy, adds a lot of flavor to almost any recipe, and we highly recommend using it in your cooking routine.  Garlic stores easily at room temperature — don’t refrigerate it — and it lasts a long time, usually a couple of weeks at least.   When the garlic cloves start to get dried out or sprout green shoots, throw them away and buy some more.  Dan’s Aunt Nancy recently commented that she’s not sure what to do with garlic, so this post is dedicated to her (Hi Nance!)

A lot of recipes call for minced or finely chopped garlic.  Generally, the finer you chop the garlic, the more garlicky the flavor will be.  For most of our recipes, we use a garlic press.  It really pulverizes the garlic and brings out its flavor.

8 thoughts on “On Garlic

  1. So I got Damon a garlic press for his Christmas stocking last year (don’t laugh, it was better than the socks and underwear also in the stocking), but was disappointed when the press didn’t seem to work very well. So I learned tonight that the problem was user error. I have been using the press wrong (smashing with the part that cleans out the holes). It seems so obvious now that I saw your pics. I will be pressing like a Foodie Lawyer master now!

  2. THANK YOU so much!!! I also need to buy a garlic press & will look for one similar to yours. As we say in Central PA “you guys” rock!

  3. One of my stocking stuffers is garlic oil. It is in a bottle, probably about 3 or 4 oz. It is supposed to be very strong and only a couple of drops will do. It will probably evaporate before I actually use it, because I open the bottle to smell it every time I go into the kitchen because it smells awesome.

    1. Hi Mark – we just replenished our supply of garlic olive oil. One of Dan’s favorite ways to use it is as a marinade for steak. Use equal parts garlic olive oil and balsamic and marinate the steak for a couple of hours. Salt and pepper the steak right before cooking. So good! Dan also sometimes drizzles a few drops of the oil on cooked fish right before serving.

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