Filets Mignon with Garlic Compound Butter

Compound butter is simply a fancy term for any type of flavored butter.  We seem to have a bit of a garlic theme going this week at FoodieLawyer, so we whipped up a compound butter with garlic and herbs, and served some of the compound butter over grilled filet mignon.  Truly decadent. 

2 thoughts on “Filets Mignon with Garlic Compound Butter

  1. Where on EARTH did you all learn this stuff? And with two working lawyers, where do you find the time? And why do I never see a beer in any picture/ingredient? I love this site. Love it.

    1. Thanks Carrie! We are so glad you like the site! Dan has learned most of his best stuff by trial and error and reading cookbooks. And since the extent of my cooking is washing lettuce in a salad spinner, he pretty much had to learn to cook good meals. The key to cooking on our schedule is planning and shopping the menus for the week ahead of time. Finally, we do often cook with wine (and sometimes use it in the food)!

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